Shungu & Dreamcast - Temptation


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Hip Hop
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Brussels' Trading Places Records are proud to present their debut release, Temptation; the genre-traversing, three- track collaboration between hometown producer, Shungu and Washington DC's Dreamcast. Conceived in August 2019 as part of a week-long residency in a temporary studio by the Maastricht countryside, the idea was to provide the two artists with a space unshackled from city-induced stress and daily distractions. The result was no less than nineteen songs, exploring everything from groove-led soul and hip-hop to uptempo efforts. Whittled down to just three tracks, the EP embodies the energy of that seven day nature retreat, laced with the cool and soulfulness of the pairing. From the warm, off-kilter hip-hop-come-soul goodness of 'Nice To Meet You' and the title track to the languid, housey feels of first single 'Replaceable', the project details an intimate story we all can relate to: the constant battle between desire and mind power.