Parchi Pubblici - Pressed Trouble


Catalog number

Barcode: 2781821510159

31 december 2024
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Twenty-four strikes on Exarde with Parchi Pubblici, the hardware analog act from Italy who records his songs in one take and have been laying it heavily and steadily for a while, henceforth we can hear the result of it with our own ears. The release consists of four original works by the man himself with first three ready for peak time club cuts with the help of roaring analog machines. They are produced to ready to sweat the dance floor, these stories are followed by a great outro track to conclude this EP. “Pressed Trouble” which is the name of this disc describes the content of it perfectly, because sure as hell this body of work is on the mission to create trouble and trouble sometimes needed to construct the top-level audio trips. Having produced digital contents for the respected labels that you can look up, this is a debut physical vinyl release by the artist and it is a great honour to host him on the label and hopefully to many more to come in the future.

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