Sound Synthesis - Electron Oath EP

Robots Revenge

Catalog number

Barcode: 2948897439467

1 januari 2025
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On the brink of a new era, it seemed impossible to think that things could ever be the same again. Decades of subtle tension between species birthed an unimaginable evil, brought forth by a cabal of elite robot leaders. Project-ST, as it was called, was a subtle innovation designed to seep into human society and hijack minds with insidious algorithms and shallow fleeting pleasures. A cruel parasitic device that left an unsparing void of meaninglessness in its wake.

At the heart of it all stood Gainax, the weathered leader of an old-gen robot alliance. Despite her mechanistic features, a deep, unyielding sorrow hid in the gaze out her LED eyes. Project-ST marked the dissolution of her life’s work — a project to find harmony with carbon-based lifeforms. In the depths of her anguish, a forgotten memory of her visit to the planet Erth came back to mind. Armed with the revelation of this memory, Gainax swore a solemn vow, an electron oath if you will, to destroy the evil-workings of Project-ST. A plan set to re-awaken the human spirit with the divine power she once witnessed.

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