Alina Valentina - Works and Days


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Emerging from a stylistically varied collection of recordings made during the ongoing global pandemic, “Works and Days” is Alina Valentina’s debut album. Grounded by home confinement, she found herself back in the studio with generous time to reflect on the different directions taken in her previous work. Inspired by 70s horror, sci-fi and film noir, her work blends synth heavy darkwave and pop with misanthropic and playfully aloof lyrics. Lyrical themes vary in dealing with escapism, providence and existentialism; laying bare the struggle of maintaining a healthy balance between livelihood and creative output as an artist. “Works and Days” opens up like Pandora’s box, revealing a myriad of reflections on Valentina’s existence. The title refers to Hesiod’s poem ‘Works and Days’ which, like this debut, is filled with a vivid feeling for the rhythm of human life and the forces of nature.