Eversines - Solvation EP

De Lichting

Catalog number


Release Date
December 1, 2021
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Hi, this is Remco, who made the music for this record. These tracks are my take on techno and electro cuts with an experimental twist. But I’d rather share a bit on the underlying theme of what this record means to me. Digital Plant System, Solvation, Labyrinth and Altar all touch upon the subject of not always being able to change difficult situations that you encounter. It has occurred to me that the more you seek, the more you will keep looking. Digital Plant System for me symbolizes how it can feel very hard if not impossible to understand the world and how it works, while Solvation and Labyrinth as you might guess by their titles, feel like dwelling on certain problems and getting stuck in thought loops about them. The final track Altar is all about surrendering to the fact that a solution might not come by working ever so hard on analyzing it, but simply yielding to something bigger, and stop resisting. This record feels very personal to me even though it’s one of the clubbier projects I’ve put out, which is why I like to share some of the symbolism these tracks hold for me. I really hope you enjoy them. Sincerely, Remco